Teaching, a Praxis of Intersubjectivity


  • Leif Tjärnstig


This paper suggests a research approach to the praxis of teaching in which epistemological stances as well as methodological research design place themselves close to the teacher’s pedagogical doings in the classroom. The research project, also an ongoing PhD project, rests upon an assumption that the pedagogical legacy of Rudolf Steiner is to be found today in the teaching ethics behind norms and values voiced in the teacher’s daily praxis. The paper will look at the success of Waldorf education, its long-term persistence and recent years’ international expansion as the “history-making” of pedagogical doings (Kemmis, 2010). The assumption is that it is a culture of educational praxis of interactive pedagogical ethics that ensures the relevance of Waldorf education today. This history and culture of educational practice are summoned in the “mythology” of good pedagogical praxis. The research design is drawn on principles from the tradition of Stimulated Recall Interviews. The research focus is on the participating teachers‘ understanding of the principles behind micro-decisions and teacher-pupil interactions. Preliminary results indicate teaching praxis as creating and renegotiating pedagogical values and beliefs creating the professional myths of good pedagogy.






Teachers and Teacher Education / Lehrer und Lehrerbildung