Beobachtung und Dokumentation in Kindertagesstätten Nordrhein-Westfalens. Ausgangs- und Bedarfslage für Waldorfkindergärten


  • Stefanie Greubel


Recently, the terms monitoring and documentation have a high ranking in discussions about early childhood education. All federal states in Germany ask for systematic instruments respective capturing individual development and education. The state North Rhine Westphalia (NRW) belongs to the Pioneers in this section, demanding a structured supervision process in this field. Not all child care institutions share this special view and are afraid of losing their individual pedagogic ethos. Also they point out that there is a big need to improve the basic conditions in child care institutions to work in a proper pedagogical way. Despite those fears or arguments the closer look at the federal concepts in NRW reveals a very open minded view of education in early ages. Also there is a trend that more institutions search for an adequate instrument to monitor and foster children. This article gives an overview over the German political initial position and practical implementation, especially with the look at NRW and waldorf pedagogical statements.




Empirical Research / Beiträge zur empirischen Forschung / Peer Reviewed Articles