Anthroposophie in der Esoterikforschung – ein wichtiges Zeitphänomen ?


  • Albrecht Hüttig


Western research on esotericism has developed methods which make possible a well-grounded academic description, as well as a critical discourse with respect to esoteric content/s. Most of the researchers in this field have adopted a phenomenological approach and thus do not judge esotericism from an externally imposed perspective on reality. The cultural significance of Western esotericism is emphasized, as well as its epistemological qualities, and connections and contrasts to traditional scientific assumptions are drawn. The question of whether research on esotericism requires an esoteric practice has been controversially discussed, as has, for example, the distinctions which have been made between Western esotericism and non-Western esoteric practices. Anthroposophy as a subject of research has not received the same attention as Theosophy which can be explained by its historical origins in Theosophy. Anthroposophy can be characterized as a phenomenological approach which is descriptive, differentiated and critically based. A discourse between Anthroposophy and research on esotericism and Anthroposophy only began in recent years and has been characterized by an openness for dialogue, a self-reflective approach to Anthroposophy and a willingness to view Anthroposophy in the mirror of academic research on esotericism in a critical manner. One can hope that this dialogue will be intensified and that special attention will be paid to the fact that Anthroposophy is not an historical, but a contemporary esoteric practice in which the freedom of the individual is viewed as central. Its highly differentiated epistemology invites and encourages dialogue and discourse.




Fundamentals / Grundlagen / Peer Reviewed Articles